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Lever Integration Setup Instructions
Andrew Olsen avatar
Written by Andrew Olsen
Updated over a week ago

How the Integration Works

Here is a quick video from Searchlight CEO, Kerry Wang, on how the integration between Lever and Searchlight makes running references easy and valuable. Saving your team time and providing them more signal.

Customizing your Searchlight Assessments

Searchlight Assessments are the requirements a candidate must fulfill to complete their reference process, such as inviting a certain number of references or inviting specific references of a certain type (e.g manager, supervisor). Follow these steps to configure Assessments for different types of Jobs:

  1. Click into the Company Setting > ATS Settings in Searchlight

  2. Click Add Assessment to create your first Assessment

    1. Give your Assessment a name. The name of your Assessment corresponds with the Lever tag in Lever that will trigger this specific Assessment.

      1. Suggestion: Start by creating an Assessment called ‘General’ to be your default reference assessment.

    2. Choose the total number of days that a candidate and their references will have to provide feedback.

    3. Select the survey the references will receive for this Assessment.

      1. You can select the Searchlight Gold Standard or a survey that we’ve customized for you. Searchlight’s survey questions are completely customizable.

    4. (If you’ve enabled candidate self-assessments in Searchlight) Select the survey the candidate will be asked to complete for this Assessment.

    5. Select the type and number of references you want for this Assessment.

  3. Click the Save button to save your Assessment!

  4. Repeat the previous steps for any number of Assessments. At a minimum, create one Default Assessment that works across all Job types and functions. Protip: Most partners have 1 default Assessment. Some create custom Assessments per function and distinguish between Individual Contributor and Management roles.

  5. Back in Lever, when you want to invite all candidates for a Job to a specific Assessment (note, you can skip this step if you set up a Default Assessment), add a Tag corresponding to the Searchlight Assessment in the Job page. The figure below shows you where to add the tag on the Job in Lever.

Note: “Searchlight” is required as a prefix in the tag name.

If the name of your Assessment is “Marketing Template,” then the tag “Searchlight Marketing Template” will trigger Searchlight to send this Assessment to candidates when they are moved to the Searchlight trigger stage in Lever.

Enabling the Lever Integration in Searchlight

  1. Log into Searchlight (you should be able to Google SSO if you don't remember your login) and click the left menu.

    • Click the Company Setting tab

    • Click ATS Settings

    • Select Lever from the list below

  2. When you’re initially configuring the integration, you will be asked to Authorize with Lever. Click the Authorize with Lever button and follow the guided flow to grant Searchlight permissions to access information to initiate the reference process. If the steps are successful, you will be redirected back to the Searchlight Lever Settings page.

  3. If this is successful, the button "Authorize with Lever" will now say "Reconnect with Lever". Move on to Step 4.

    You can verify that this step worked by going to your Authorized Apps in Lever and verifying that Searchlight is in the list

  4. Now you’ll be asked to provide additional information required for the integration. Instructions for each field are provided below the figure.

    a. Lever User Id

    1. This information is required for Searchlight to upload PDF reports to Lever.

    2. To get this information, go to your User Settings in Lever and search for an Admin user. This can be an existing User or a User created specifically for the Searchlight integration.

    3. Click on the User’s row in the table, and then copy their User ID from the browser’s address bar. An example is underlined in the figure below (the User ID you put in the Searchlight box in this example would be 3dc909a0-70cd-46ab-8ebf-46bff846ab4c).

b. Lever Signing Token

  1. This information is required to authenticate your requests to Searchlight through Lever to initiate the reference process.

  2. To get this information, go to the Webhooks tab in Lever’s Integrations and API Settings page. Scroll down to Webhook signing token, copy and paste the Signature Token into Searchlight.

  3. If you don’t already have a Signature Token, please generate a new one.

c. Lever Stage to Trigger Searchlight

  1. This information is required to let Searchlight know which Stage triggers the reference process. The default stage name is "searchlight". The stage name is case insensitive, space sensitive.

  2. You must file a ticket with Lever support to add a “Searchlight” stage to your Lever app, and tell them where you want to add the stage in your process. Most of our partners place the stage before or after the on-site / final right interviews.

  3. Fill out this form (select Partnerships - Integration Partner Requests) letting Lever know that you want to add the Searchlight stage to your Lever workspace.

    Subject: Get set up with Searchlight integration Description (please customize the ordering of the stages based on your use case): Hi, I’d like to add a stage to my interview pipeline called “Searchlight”. Please add this stage before the (“Reference Check” or “On-site Interview”) stage.

d. Default Assessment

  1. This dropdown will be automatically populated with your custom Assessments in Searchlight (if you haven't created one yet, follow these instructions). Select one Assessment to be the Default Assessment that Searchlight will send to the candidate if the Lever Job does not have a specified Searchlight Assessment tag.

  2. In the below example, the Default Assessment that will be sent to candidates would be "General Your Company Assessment."

  3. Your list of Assessments can be customized following these steps.

  4. Now you’re ready to add webhooks! Webhooks allow Searchlight to listen and react to events in Lever. This is necessary for us to initiate the Searchlight process with your candidates.

a. In the Lever Settings tab in Searchlight, scroll down to the section with your custom Webhook Urls

b. Go to the Webhooks tab in Lever, then copy-and-paste the URLs from Searchlight to the Candidate Stage Change and Candidate Hired sections in the Webhook configuration. Make sure that the toggles are green to the left of Candidate Stage Change and Candidate Hired.

c. After copy and pasting, expand the toggle next to each URL and click Verify Connection. Make sure that the text changes to Verified

Searchlight-ing a candidate from Lever

Follow these steps to initiate the Searchlight reference process from Lever:

  1. Choose a candidate that is currently applying for a specific Job.

  2. Ensure that that tag(s) for the Job match the tags of an Assessment that you've created in Searchlight.

    1. If there is no tag with the “Searchlight” prefix, Searchlight will use the Default Assessment selected in your Lever Settings.

  3. When you're ready to Searchlight the candidate, go to the candidate page in Lever.

  4. Choose Searchlight from the stage drop-down menu (or the stage that you’ve selected in your Lever settings to trigger the Searchlight process). This will automatically initiate the Searchlight request.

  5. A tag will show up on the candidate page in Lever to confirm that the Searchlight invitation has been successfully sent.

We will have status tags updated on the Lever Candidate Profile as the candidate goes through the Searchlight process. The status tags are:

  • Invited <Candidate Email>

  • Invite accepted and references pending

  • Complete

Viewing Searchlight data from Lever

To view a Searchlight reference report in Lever, go to a candidate page. Along the right side, you'll find a link to the Searchlight data profile (see the figure below). Click this link to open another page from which you can review the Searchlight data.

Searchlight automatically grants viewing access to the Hiring Manager and Posting Owner for the Job in Lever. If they are prompted to login, they can continue with their Searchlight username and password, or continue with SSO.

🎉 You’re ready to Searchlight your candidates!

Debugging integration errors:

  • Searchlight Error: This candidate does not have any active applications

    • This means that candidate you invited isn’t attached to a job in Lever OR they are attached to a job but they have been archived or marked inactive.

      • Fix: Add the candidate to a job OR unarchive the candidate

  • Searchlight Error: Please provide a candidate email

    • This means that the candidate you invited doesn't have an email yet

  • No tag appears

    • Possibility #1: The candidate has been invited before and our system prevents duplicates.

      • Fix: Look up the candidate’s email in your Searchlight instance to see if they are there

    • Possibility #2: The Lever connection to Searchlight is not working

Granting a READ-only Lever API Key for advanced Quality of Hire analytics

Searchlight can offer advanced talent analytics, such as

  • Mapping recruiting sources (e.g. outside agencies, referrals) to Quality of Hire scores so that you know the highest ROI investments

  • Surfacing the interviewers whose interview feedback best correlates with a new hire’s post-hire performance

  • Measuring concurrent and predictive validity of interview ratings with post-hire performance


  1. Go to settings/integrations?tab=api

  2. Click “Generate New Key”

  3. Give your API Key a recognizable name, and copy the API key shown. It will not be shown again after you exit!

  4. Click “Select all read”

  5. [Optional] If you would like Searchlight to analyze Confidential Data, click the toggle next to “Allow access to confidential data”

  6. Scroll to the bottom (past the “write” permissions, we don’t need them).

  7. Click “Done” and share the API key with the Searchlight team with a secure method

    1. We recommend a Confidential Gmail message, or an Encrypted Secrets Sharer like Doppler

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