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Soft Skills

Learn how Soft Skills can help you evaluate talent holistically

Joseph Chang avatar
Written by Joseph Chang
Updated over a week ago


What are Soft Skills?

Searchlight’s four types of behavioral data give a 360-degree view of who candidates and employees are — and how they’ll do on the job. Soft Skills is one of the four types of behavioral data. We leverage Soft Skills to evaluate candidates and create Talent Models in Searchlight.

Soft Skills are non-technical attributes required to perform a job. The opposite of soft skills is hard skills, or the technical attributes required to perform a job.

  • What does technical mean? While technical attributes relate to the job-specific knowledge and abilities required for a job (e.g., computer programming, accounting, mathematics, data analysis), non-technical attributes are general (job-free, job-agnostic) knowledge and abilities required to perform a job. Non-technical attributes include someone's personality, behavioral orientations, and soft skills.

If we substitute the definition of “non-technical” into our definition of soft skills, we find that soft skills are the general (context-free, job-free) knowledge and abilities required to perform a job, such as personality, behavioral orientations, and soft skills.

Sower skills include communication skills (e.g., empathy), performance management skills (e.g., persistence), leadership/organization skills (e.g., charisma), and political/cultural skills (e.g., active listening). All of these categories represent sub-types of soft skills, speaking to the remarkable breadth that soft skills encompass.

The Soft Skills Library

Soft Skills - Strengths Library



Active listening

Listens attentively and understands what is being said


Adjusts easily to new or changing circumstances


Aspires to and works toward a high level of success

Attention to detail

Is rigorously detail-oriented and meticulous

Being a self-starter

Proactively takes action to achieve and execute results


Generates energy, enthusiasm and a desire to succeed in others


Listens to, accepts, and applies feedback on doing things better


Works well with others to realize better results


Speaks or writes with ease, clarity and impact


Careful and diligent in fulfilling one's tasks and obligations


Uses original thinking to generate new ideas and solutions

Critical thinking

Thinks clearly and rationally to guide beliefs and actions


Driven to learn and stay current professionally


Acts quickly, confidently and with determination


Can be relied on and accountable for one's own work


Identifies with the feelings, ideas and attitudes of others


Shows a lively and genuine interest in work


Takes calculated risks and applies unconventional solutions in a business context

Fast learner

Masters situations or information easily and quickly

Good judgement

Forms sound opinions and makes solid decisions


Is disciplined and works vigorously


Able to experiment and learn without ego


Functions effectively without assistance or direction from others


Successfully uses insight not supported by obvious facts and data

Managing stress

Performs competently under pressure


Maintains a positive, confident attitude


Perseveres in spite of opposition or difficulty


Has a friendly, approachable and outgoing style


Calm, collected, and self-controlled under pressure


Finds alternative solutions to overcome obstacles


Focuses on achieving results and outcomes

Strategic thinking

Anticipates and prepares for future events

Teaching others

Coaches or instructs others to improve their performance

Soft Skills - Growth Areas Library

Growth Areas


Active listening

Could listen more attentively to others


Could improve at adjusting to new or changing circumstances


Could aspire more and set higher goals for success

Attention to detail

Could be more meticulous and detail-oriented

Being a self-starter

Could be more proactive


Could generate more energy, enthusiasm and a desire to succeed in others


Could be better at accepting and applying feedback


Could be better at working well with others


Could improve the ease, clarity and impact of their writing or speaking


Could be more careful and diligent in fulfilling tasks and obligations


Could be more original and generate new ideas and solutions

Critical thinking

Could improve at thinking clearly and rationally to guide beliefs and actions


Could benefit from an increased desire to learn


Could be better at acting quickly, confidently and with determination


Could be more reliable and accountable for one's own work


Could be better at identifying with the feelings, ideas, and attitudes of others


Could show a more lively and genuine interest in work


Could take more calculated risks and find more creative solutions in a business context

Fast learner

Could be faster at mastering situations or information

Good judgement

Could improve their ability to form sound opinions and decisions


Could have less ego and be more open-minded


Could work on being effective autonomously


Could improve their ability to form insights separate from obvious facts and data

Managing stress

Could perform better when under pressure


Could benefit from a more positive, confident attitude


Could improve their perseverence in the face of difficulty


Could benefit from a more friendly, approachable style


Could be more calm and self-controlled under pressure


Could be better at finding alternative solutions to overcome obstacles


Could be more focused on achieving results

Strategic thinking

Could better anticipate and prepare for future events

Teaching others

Could better coach or instruct others to improve their performance

Frequently Asked Questions

How does Searchlight Soft Skills impact diversity and inclusion?

  • We conduct quarterly self-audits for adverse impact. If the advantaged group (e.g., white, male) is being rated higher on a particular soft skill compared to the disadvantaged group (e.g., non-white, non-male), we remove the soft skill from our gold standard assessment. In Searchlight’s entire dataset, we found that all attributes in our soft skills list are unbiased, meaning no demographic group is less likely to have that soft skill in a population.

  • At a higher level, advantaged ethnic groups do not benefit from considering soft skills in hiring decisions. In fact, there is a lot of research which shows that disadvantaged groups (e.g., women, racial minorities) are superior to advantaged groups (e.g., white, men) in soft skills such as empathy, emotional intelligence, and active listening. If success in a role equates to soft skills that disadvantaged groups are more likely to possess, then hiring for soft skills will increase diversity.

What happened to Power Skills in Searchlight?

  • Power Skills were renamed to Soft Skills in March 2023. We made this change to better connect our terminology with words and terms our customers use. There was no functional changes made aside from the name change.

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